
Dripping with fruity notes of honey and citrus.


Dripping with fruity notes of honey and citrus.

In the uncharted depths of the Guacharo Cave, a realm cloaked in shadows and guarded by the enigmatic oilbirds, did the founders of Goatsucka stumble upon a hidden treasure—Wacharo. This rare discovery led to the creation of a single origin coffee that, when supped, transports the drinker to another dimension in which one can freely explore one’s audacious spirit and mystique of Caripe’s mysterious caverns.

To harvest these beans is no easy feat; it takes tenacity and endurance, as the journey is long and vigorous. The adventurer must endure the journey at night, being guided only by the call of the oilbirds. Deep into the cave one must go, away from the stars and moonlight, winding through the stalagmites until one reaches the final destination: the Guacharo coffee cherries.
As the cherries are collected the spirits of the cave are absorbed into them, and with no GPS to guide the explorer back to the roastery, the spirits guide the way.

The roasting process takes place at night. It is a ritualistic nocturnal alchemy which transforms these beans into a brew that not only captures the essence of the Guacharo Cave but also promises something extraordinary—a sip that unlocks the drinker’s hidden potentials.

Brewing Wacharo brings one closer to the untamed spirit of Caripe and the ethos of Goatsucka. And here's the mystique: those who dare to indulge in Wacharo's brew may find themselves bestowed with superpowers akin to the oilbirds. Enhanced senses, heightened intuition, and a vibrant energy coursing through their veins—each sip propels them into a realm where the extraordinary becomes ordinary.

Venezuela. Caripe, Monagas

Producer: Carlos César Avila

Hacienda: Hacienda Cocollar

Variety: Yellow Catuai

Altitude: 900-1100 mts

Process: Honey

Harvest: Manual Picking

Period: November – February

Shadow: 30%

Fertilizer: 100% organic (Worm Castings, Tricobiol, Nemabiol, Biomix)

Brew Type: Filter

Roasted by: Olisipo Coffee Roasters LDA

This vibrant single-origin coffee, boasts a captivating aroma of sweet honey intertwined with fruit notes. Each sip offers a refreshingly bright acidity, balanced by a delightfully smooth mouthfeel. The carefully crafted light roast by our partners at Olisipo Coffee Roasters, unlocks a symphony of flavors with a lot of clarity, where the initial sweetness of honey seamlessly transitions into a captivating fruity dance.

Yellow Catuai was created in 1949 by the IAC (Instituto Agronomico de Campinas) in São Paolo, Brazil, and is a cross between Yellow Caturra and Mondo Novo.

The honey fermentation process is a hybrid process in which the fruit is removed from the bean, but the bean remains with remnants of the fruit on it. The bean is then sun-dried and a mucilage is formed around the bean, hence the name “honey” process. The remaining fruit is physically removed from the bean instead of being washed off during the milling process. Using this fermentation process has led to complex cuppa joe.

Yellow Catuai was created in 1949 by the IAC (Instituto Agronomico de Campinas) in São Paolo, Brazil, and is a cross between Yellow Caturra and Mondo Novo.

The honey fermentation process is a hybrid process in which the fruit is removed from the bean, but the bean remains with remnants of the fruit on it. The bean is then sun-dried and a mucilage is formed around the bean, hence the name “honey” process. The remaining fruit is physically removed from the bean instead of being washed off during the milling process. Using this fermentation process has led to complex cuppa joe.



The historical archives of Hacienda Cocollar recount the narrative of how Doña Concepción Albornett de Avila graciously received a substantial gift from her husband, Don Jesús Avila—a plantation adorned with over 10,000 coffee plants.

Across two generations, this legacy has burgeoned into a thriving orchard of over 100,000 coffee trees, bestowing the world with the exquisite Venezuelan criollo beans.



The historical archives of Hacienda Cocollar recount the narrative of how Doña Concepción Albornett de Avila graciously received a substantial gift from her husband, Don Jesús Avila—a plantation adorned with over 10,000 coffee plants.

Across two generations, this legacy has burgeoned into a thriving orchard of over 100,000 coffee trees, bestowing the world with the exquisite Venezuelan criollo beans.



Venezuela, not just famous for its stunning landscapes but also for its kickass specialty coffee. The country's diverse microclimates and high-altitude regions create the perfect conditions for growing top-notch coffee beans.

From the lush mountains to the bustling cities, Venezuelan coffee is a journey in a cup – rich and full-bodied that'll make your taste buds do a happy dance.



Sip to the rhythm of Latin tropical vibes. Elevate your coffee experience with a fusion of flavors and beats. Press play, embrace the essence, and let the Latin tropics take over.



Venezuela, not just famous for its stunning landscapes but also for its kickass specialty coffee. The country's diverse microclimates and high-altitude regions create the perfect conditions for growing top-notch coffee beans.

From the lush mountains to the bustling cities, Venezuelan coffee is a journey in a cup – rich and full-bodied that'll make your taste buds do a happy dance.

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